-Free Textures

All Textures below are free to use for any project (including commercial). They can be edited as you like, and no credit needs to be given (though a 'thank you' in a readme or credit list would be appreciated). The only thing you can't do is sell these, either individually or as part of a larger collection.

All textures are seamless 512x512 Jpegs. Normal maps will be 512*512 Targas. Higher resolutions available on request. This page will be frequently updated with new textures.

horizonal break

  harling texture pavement texture stones texture

Horizonal break

The following are a selection of textures from a granite building that I've been modelling in my spare time. Texture size and quality varies, and tile where appropriate.

Horizonal break

  harling texture pavement texture stones texture
  harling texture pavement texture stones texture
  pavement texture harling texture stones texture

Horizonal break

© Godmil Designs 2009
Email: godmil@gmail.com

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